Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hablo en español un pequito..

As time goes along.. you will probably see I am one always down for a random adventure..

This past weekend's happened to be a trip to Mexico!!! :) Went with one of my good friend's and her boyfriend....

I absolutely loved being back in a country that doesn't speak English.. I know that might sound a little weird.. but I enjoy it... I love having to observe things, and push myself out of the norm box. Also reminds me and motivates me to really push to learn more Spanish.. It is the one language that I want to eventually be fluent in... (Though if I could learn every language.. I would love it.)

Went for a Halloween Party.. and it ended up being a lot of fun... It's just interesting to see the difference in cultures, how things work.. and still just doing your thing..

Met a handful of people and it was cool talking to them, reminded me of some things I often times forget in the mix of life and running around..

It was a little weird, at points I got a little shy.. which is funny, because I actually do understand and speak a little Spanish... I just got a little self conscious?
I had a couple times where people realized I spoke English and then of course had me say something in Spanish.. with me having no clue what I was saying.. and followed by smiles, and laughter.. but hey.. no harm right?!

Mexico knows how to throw a party though that's for sure.. It was at a gorgeous house with a good amount of people, music, and drinks.. Though surprisingly in the beginning no one was dancing.. but me and my girlfriend.. We love dancing, and other people not, wasn't going to stop us..

Another spontaneous part of the trip was getting a new piercing.. I know, I know.. So far just about everyone has flipped their lids over it.. But.. it honestly was better than a good number of places I have seen in the States.. Got my tragus pierced.. Turned out great.. :)

Got to meet a lot of my friend's boyfriend's family over the short trip.. I absolutely fell in love.. A group of interesting, funny, and good people. All his little siblings made me miss mine though.. His little sister is the same age as mine and it really made me wish I got to see her more..

I wasn't expecting to get so sentimental, but there was just something about all the little things that fed into the trip that made me a tad bit homesick.. I can't wait to go home in a couple months. :)

I definitely feel this was a bunch of rambling.. Sorry if it was a hard read. 

Until next time..


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