Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Either you run the day, or the day runs you...

Some of you may, or may not know... I try to be up early..
It has been a process of training my body for months now, of going to bed at a certain time and waking up earlier and earlier little by little..
To be honest sometimes I hate the actual process of waking up, but I absolutely love the benefits of doing it..

Kind of like working out.. You may hate pushing yourself to run that extra 5 minutes, or those last 10 crunches.. whatever it might be.. but when you start to see the muscle definition and you see yourself doing more reps than ever and running easier.. there's a sense of accomplishment...

Same thing applies to waking up in the morning for me.. I have made it a morning routine that I have come to love.. and kind of motivates me to get up.. I wake up and either go work out then grab my cup of coffee and watch the morning news.. I know, I know.. I sound like a 40 year old women.. But whatever.. I like it.. So many people are like oh my gosh.. why do you do it, that's insane.. blah blah blah.. and I have just gotten to this point of saying screw off.. I am doing positive and beneficial things for my life.. sorry you're not. Don't criticize me just because you're secretly a little jealous... But I have come to love waking myself up at (what I so kindly call the a** crack of dawn) Haha.. I am currently trying to wake up slightly earlier than I have been.. just to give myself more time to work on stuff, read, relax in the morning... and because I have been working out in the morning opposed to at night.. I always have been a night work out person, but I have in the past few weeks have flip flopped and I have been digging it. It gets you up and motivated for the day.. Try it out.. Let me know how it goes. I am proof that you can change and train your body to do what you want it to.. It's all if you really want it...

I was in class and one of my colleagues was like I have been trying for months to get on a similar schedule, basically waking up very early, and getting productive.. But I can't seem to do it.. and he simply replied.. "How much do you really want it?!"
(If you're trying to do this, I suggest having something as a goal.. as humans we work better when there is a reason, incentive or end result...)

That really struck me hard.. It wasn't oh.. you do this, you do this, coddling her with a nice answer.. he gave the honest truth.. It was sort of a wake up for me too.. I keep saying oh I wish I was reading more, or planning this, or doing this.. but I don't have time.. And the reality that a mentor of mine told me.. is that's just a bullsh*t excuse.. We all have the same hours in a day... from the bum on the street, to the President of the United States... Again... another wake up call, smelling the coffee, and a nice loving smack in the face with reality.. Some of you might be thinking.. well that's a little mean.. but I love it.. I love having people in my life that care enough to push me.. that don't just tell me what I would like to hear.. but tell me what is going to make me better.. So many people get really butthurt when people critique or criticize them in any way.. and yeah given it's not always fun to hear, but you can either get stuck in your bad ways, or accept the truth and change it.

My advice of the day.. Surround yourself with people who make you better.. 

If you look back at history, and any really successful people they surrounded themselves with people they aspired to be like, and that pushed them to surpass their limits.. 

Randomness of Today:
Current Reading: Freakonomics
Recently watched Movie: The Ugly Truth
New Finding: HULU Documentaries.. (I am falling in love)

Thanks for stopping by. :)
<333 N

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