Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I am surprised I haven't blogged about the never ending topic yet... dating and relationships...

I should be doing homework right now.. but I am taking a few minutes to do this blog.. I am watching a new show on MTV called Friendzone..
Where friends act like they need their friend's advice planning a blind date, and then end up asking their friend on that date...

One poor guy just got hardcore... FRIENDZONED.. I don't know about you.. but when I am watching something on TV and the scene is awkward I get realllyyyyy uncomfortable.. Like I bashfully look away or have to change the channel.. I know.. LAME.. But I can't deny it. Haha.

But this show made me think of one basic premise.. Sorry guys, this is written more for girls.. I promise to have some info for you guys soon too..

Dear Girls,

If a guy likes you.. HE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!! If you are a more visual learner.. Purchase the movie "He's just not that into you.." , If you consider yourself more of an intellectual.. Feel free to get the book.. But it's really sometimes that simple.. all the crazy hormonal theories and formulas most girl's come up with are crazy. Legitimately slightly off the rocker crazy.. Try out the concept of letting him make it happen.. If he's really interested.. He will.. Now I know it might suck, if he doesn't like you and nothing happens.. and sometimes it is a little blow to the ego.. but really.. Put your big girl pants on.. and brace the real fact that.. dare I say it?! Not everyone is going to like you, or want to date you and you will be FRIENDZONED sometime in your life.. Now so I don't sound like an ultra pessimist.. the good news to that is a lot of guys WILL like you, and put in the effort to date you... Date those guys.. not the douchebags that make you cry, and feel like crap about yourself.. When a guy likes a girl he will pull out all the stops.. cute, thoughtful stuff.. Not all the time.. but it will happen usually in the beginning.. Enjoy it while it lasts.. Haha.. Also know the difference between trying to get in your pants, and wanting to date you.. Clear sign of douchebaggeryyy and pantsrobberyyy is when a guy just does things that cost a lot of money.. Don't bite onto that.. it's making you a dinner hooker.. literally.. Nice dinner, maybe a movie, and dessert if you're lucky, and then they expect to get some.. Making girls.. Dinner hookers.. Hold yourselves to a higher standard... Read the body language and take note to the conversation.. and you should easily be able to tell the good guys.. from the panty nabbers..

Moral of the story.. Girls.. stop being so ridiculous - that's the reason guy's think girls are crazy and don't end up liking you.. if a guy likes you, he'll make some effort... :) 

Until next time...

<333 N.

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