Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Embracing the ways of the Buddhists...

The past few days I have encountered a few situations where I was just baffled, slightly thrown off, and to be honest a little upset... by other's actions.. Ones dealing quite directly with me... and I am the type of person who is naturally easy going, disliker of drama, and a go with the flow, person.. and I will always be nice.. until you really do something stupid... Then it seems to go downhill - Though I have been getting better..

But I found myself in a few situations, where I was just a little peeved.. And those moments we all have where you kind of just want to roll your eyes and be like "Really?!" or the other side of things where you kinda just wanna slap someone and be like "Stop acting so stupid.." & this is more of the reason to embrace the ways of the Buddhists.. 

Now please don't take my word as 100% accurate truth.. I am by no means a Buddhist expert.. but from my friends that I have met and asked questions about their religion.. this is some of what I have pulled.. It's all about balance between your actions and the actions that come back to you.. to not get mad or upset by things because there is a cause/effect sort of cosmic balance that happens.. and search for a deeper understanding, selflessness, and "enlightenment"... I feel that I embraced more of this while being quite active in yoga.. it's not just a Buddhist practice... but it deals with finding the inner peace, and love and sharing those with the world around you..

Sign me up... PLEASE! I think one can always use a little more patience, compassion, or understanding of the human psychology and behavior...

I heard this saying in the past week that I think applies.. "Remember that life made her this way..." And feel free to make it him, if you're a guy.. but it's going off the premise of life's trials, tribulations, experiences are what mold a person into who they are, how they treat and interact with others.. etc.. It's so easy to get caught up in how we feel, and why we do what WE do.. but then fail to ever try to see the other side of the story.. or in the cliche line, "walk in someone else's shoes.." 

I've learned when I can take a step back, breathe, and then logically analyze a situation.. even if that situation happens to be a person of dislike.. you see the cause/effect.. Most of the time.. It helps one see the explanation.. but that explanation is not always, or is rarely an excuse.. The more you learn about people and the more one can observe.. the more one can find inner peace of not letting others effect their own self and decisions...

Advice of the day: Try it next time.. you are irritated with how someone treated you, said something, handled a situation.. try to see their side.. and maybe why..

<333 N

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