Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where to start?!

I was trying to think of something really witty for my - first post - here..
You can tell that worked out well... Haha

I find the more you try - the less it works.. You can't force the words...

To be perfectly honest, I haven't come up with some strategic plan of what this blog will be or the direction that it will go.. so hang with me if you can as I stumble around...

I also would love for this to be interactive.. so feel free to comment, as questions, give feedback, ask me to talk about certain topics.. Whatever makes your heart happy.

Random thought of the day:
Why do we hold on to so many things we don't need?
What are we so afraid of by letting things go?

I have been looking at my closet & around at my room - & I have some serious simplifying to do..

In my defense.. I am a student studying Fashion/Business so my closet is like a normal person's closet on crack.. & I have enough muslin, fabric, & textbooks to last me a life time.. and enough clothes to dress in a different outfit.. for probably a solid 6 months.

But back to the closet.. I have so many clothes that I honestly don't wear... yet, I keep them.. Piles & piles, hanger after hanger.. Things accumulated over the years.. Ones from retail therapy sessions, outings with friends, vintage & thrift store finds.. a plethora of articles.. with little use... I hold onto things because I think in my head.. "Oh, maybe I will wear it for something, maybe I'll fit back into it (if you're a woman, you know exactly what I am talking about), what if I end up needing it.. but in reality if I get rid of things and really need something I can always go and purchase another when the time comes. I am hoping to take on this task this weekend of cleaning out & minimizing my closet. - I'll let you know how it goes.. Hopefully I come out alive. I think when you de-clutter the things that surround you, you can further in finding your center, & direction in many areas of your life. 

If you're anything like me & want to try minimize things in your closet or your life.. I say if you haven't worn it in the past 6 months or more.. It is something you can part with. Also I know there's always the exceptions.. Seasonal pieces, super sentimental pieces.. Don't put too much pressure on it.. but like that tshirt and skirt you haven't worn, get rid of.. It won't kill you. Promise.
Another way to reward yourself and get some new pieces for your closet (Limit the number!!) I have been doing "clothing swaps" with my girlfriends.. You clean your closet, pick all the stuff you can part and get rid of.. Your friend does the same.. you meet up & pick a few pieces from your friend's giveaways and vice versa.. It's shopping & you don't spend a dime.. Which is great. Getting a few "new" pieces can be a reward for getting rid of excess..
Another way I try to keep things to a minimum is now when I shop.. I think of pieces I am actually lacking in my wardrobe.. Classic pieces that can be mixed and matched and will be worn often and utilized.. & not collect dust in my closet. 

Hopefully this was somewhat enjoyable. Thanks for reading. More to come soon.

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