Sunday, October 16, 2011

Europe.. You stole a piece of my heart..

I loved just about everything about you...
I will be back and seeing you as soon as physically possible.

I find when I talk to most, it's always.. I would love to go there.. but I will never have the time.. never have the money.. there is always some excuse of why not.. To be honest it is usually extremely frustrating to me.. because in my head if you really want to do something.. make it happen.. Save for a couple years.. and you'll have more than enough.. go over a Christmas Holiday.. Do what you have to do to make it happen.. To anyone out there with the slight inkling to travel.. DO IT.. It was one of the best experiences to date.. and so many memories I now take with me forever..

Next Destination: Hong Kong, China.
Travel Tip: Wherever you go.. Learn Hello, Goodbye, Please, and Thank You.. You will be worlds ahead of most.. Traveling through Europe was interesting and at times difficult.. because I don't speak fluent French, Germany, or Italian.. but I did my best to pick up as much as I could and if I needed something, to try and ask in the native language.. if not I found Spanish was more accepted than English.. and I know some people get upset and want to be like.. so I just have to learn every language?! No.. but be respectful.. be aware.. and make some conscious effort... It was definitely appreciated by those I encountered.. and when did it become such a bad thing to try and learn new things?! Even though English is the lingua franca.. We often expect when people are in America to speak English.. do other countries not have the same right?! It also just made me more aware to notice people who travel to California from other countries.. I live in Los Angeles so it's a pinnacle spot for tourists.. and I now want to try and go out of my way to help those.. because I now know what it is like to be in their shoes..

Au revoir...

Go explore the world.. It's worth it. 

P.s. For those wondering.. The closet situation.. is midway through.. Bed is covered in clothes, and slowly being sorted through, and put away... 

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