Friday, October 21, 2011

The little boy named Mohammed.

While in Paris, France me and two other of my colleagues sat at the little breakfast nook, and the patio was just a closed door away...
There was this little boy who I had seen maybe once before and he had tightly curled light brown hair and a smile I won't soon forget...

The girls and I were chatting away and we kept turning and looking at this precious little boy, he started to stare back and I decided to play a little game of peek a boo.. The game went on for a good little bit.. and he started to run to the huge window and smile and run back to his mom and dad...

This little game took an interesting twist.. the little boy ran to the door.. confidently opened it up.. walked straight up to me, grabbed my face and pulled it down to his, and ever so gently gave me a kiss upon my cheek.. I melted.. It was one of the most adorable things I have ever had happen in the most random of times and places.. He then proceeded to run back out the glass door and shut it going back onto the patio and into the arms of his dad... A few more moments go by.. and he runs back to the door.. grabs my other friend's face and gives her a kiss on the cheek as well.. again he runs back out the door and then towards his mom.... Our little game of charades came to an end.. and my girlfriend's and I start talking again... completely enamored by this little boy... we started to wonder why in the world he didn't come back out again and give my other friend a kiss.. We comically came to the conclusion that he didn't like blonde's.. as he gave the 2 brunettes a kiss, and left out the blonde... Him and his mother come in shortly.. and we immediately start gushing about how cute he is, unfortunately in English, and we realized she only spoke French.. We tried to understand what she was saying.. and started pointing at the little boy's eyes and said something that sounded like "cone-sear"... We kept racking our brains for what that meant, as we knew very little French, and sadly had to leave it at that..

A few nights later, I ran into his father with another friend this time.. we were all sharing a late night smoke.. and he spoke English.. I was elated.. I spoke my broken French, and his fair English.. come to find out they are in France because his son who was turning 3 years old later that week has cancer in his eyes.. and is undergoing another round of chemo and treatment.. the word "cone-sear" which we thought was in French was her actually saying it in English, and we were just so unaware.. this precious little boy who had the most memorable smile.. and happiest spirit.. has already endured so much.. My heart nearly broke... The reason he only kissed the girls with black hair was because he was going blind, and can't see light colors, so our hair was how he could find our faces... 

The situation made me become so reflective of my life, and so thankful for what I have.. and so amazed by this little boy with so much heart and energy through his hard situation.. He was going the next day to spend it at Euro Disney before he had to go through a few days of treatment.. and I got to see him just one more time before we left...

I went to Europe with the joke of finding a boy and falling in love.. who knew it would be a little 3 year old boy with cancer named Mohammed...


1 comment:

  1. awwww :) great story tash. Thanks for posting it so we can remember it forever!

