Saturday, October 15, 2011

What do you wake up for?

A handful of weeks ago I had a conversation with a newer but becoming a very good friend of mine.. and we were discussing over coffee.. What we wake up for.. 

Both of us are young, business minded women who are trying to take over the Fashion Industry by storm.. and we both have different backgrounds, different stories, different dramas that enter our lives.. and different reasons for why we wake up..

Though we have different reasons we were in agreement on the fact that one needs a reason to wake up.. The motivation behind waking up, going to work, school, pursuing a career... What is it that you wake up for? Is it a family member, a friend, a dream you can't stop fighting for, a trial in your life you've overcome, that person in your life who told you - you can't... a combination of a few of those?!

Whatever your motivation is.. Don't let it go.. Go for your dreams, and go hard.. Nothing in this life that is worth something is easy, but it's more than worth it.. 

I am a little bit reminiscent while writing this blog.. I have just passed my 2 year mark of moving out here on my own to this vast city called Los Angeles.. already working on my 2nd degree.. and with a multitude of memories I wouldn't give up for the world.. There has been good, bad, ugly.. and the absolutely magnificent.. The best advice and encouragement I can give is.. Go for it... No matter who says you can't, what obstacles arise.. Go for your dreams.. enjoy the journey to the top, stay humble as you go.. and live the life you dream of..


  1. I like this post. I was just having the same thought the other day. Each of us chooses by the way we attend to things, what sort of world we will create for ourselves. When we wake up in the morning, its best to do so with a purpose in mind and the drive to carry it out. I know it gets hard sometimes, but just remember you are doing what you love!


  2. I do not know how to follow you, but I read all the blogs girl! :) love them

    -Kaitie Nock
