Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hablo en español un pequito..

As time goes along.. you will probably see I am one always down for a random adventure..

This past weekend's happened to be a trip to Mexico!!! :) Went with one of my good friend's and her boyfriend....

I absolutely loved being back in a country that doesn't speak English.. I know that might sound a little weird.. but I enjoy it... I love having to observe things, and push myself out of the norm box. Also reminds me and motivates me to really push to learn more Spanish.. It is the one language that I want to eventually be fluent in... (Though if I could learn every language.. I would love it.)

Went for a Halloween Party.. and it ended up being a lot of fun... It's just interesting to see the difference in cultures, how things work.. and still just doing your thing..

Met a handful of people and it was cool talking to them, reminded me of some things I often times forget in the mix of life and running around..

It was a little weird, at points I got a little shy.. which is funny, because I actually do understand and speak a little Spanish... I just got a little self conscious?
I had a couple times where people realized I spoke English and then of course had me say something in Spanish.. with me having no clue what I was saying.. and followed by smiles, and laughter.. but hey.. no harm right?!

Mexico knows how to throw a party though that's for sure.. It was at a gorgeous house with a good amount of people, music, and drinks.. Though surprisingly in the beginning no one was dancing.. but me and my girlfriend.. We love dancing, and other people not, wasn't going to stop us..

Another spontaneous part of the trip was getting a new piercing.. I know, I know.. So far just about everyone has flipped their lids over it.. But.. it honestly was better than a good number of places I have seen in the States.. Got my tragus pierced.. Turned out great.. :)

Got to meet a lot of my friend's boyfriend's family over the short trip.. I absolutely fell in love.. A group of interesting, funny, and good people. All his little siblings made me miss mine though.. His little sister is the same age as mine and it really made me wish I got to see her more..

I wasn't expecting to get so sentimental, but there was just something about all the little things that fed into the trip that made me a tad bit homesick.. I can't wait to go home in a couple months. :)

I definitely feel this was a bunch of rambling.. Sorry if it was a hard read. 

Until next time..


Friday, October 21, 2011

The little boy named Mohammed.

While in Paris, France me and two other of my colleagues sat at the little breakfast nook, and the patio was just a closed door away...
There was this little boy who I had seen maybe once before and he had tightly curled light brown hair and a smile I won't soon forget...

The girls and I were chatting away and we kept turning and looking at this precious little boy, he started to stare back and I decided to play a little game of peek a boo.. The game went on for a good little bit.. and he started to run to the huge window and smile and run back to his mom and dad...

This little game took an interesting twist.. the little boy ran to the door.. confidently opened it up.. walked straight up to me, grabbed my face and pulled it down to his, and ever so gently gave me a kiss upon my cheek.. I melted.. It was one of the most adorable things I have ever had happen in the most random of times and places.. He then proceeded to run back out the glass door and shut it going back onto the patio and into the arms of his dad... A few more moments go by.. and he runs back to the door.. grabs my other friend's face and gives her a kiss on the cheek as well.. again he runs back out the door and then towards his mom.... Our little game of charades came to an end.. and my girlfriend's and I start talking again... completely enamored by this little boy... we started to wonder why in the world he didn't come back out again and give my other friend a kiss.. We comically came to the conclusion that he didn't like blonde's.. as he gave the 2 brunettes a kiss, and left out the blonde... Him and his mother come in shortly.. and we immediately start gushing about how cute he is, unfortunately in English, and we realized she only spoke French.. We tried to understand what she was saying.. and started pointing at the little boy's eyes and said something that sounded like "cone-sear"... We kept racking our brains for what that meant, as we knew very little French, and sadly had to leave it at that..

A few nights later, I ran into his father with another friend this time.. we were all sharing a late night smoke.. and he spoke English.. I was elated.. I spoke my broken French, and his fair English.. come to find out they are in France because his son who was turning 3 years old later that week has cancer in his eyes.. and is undergoing another round of chemo and treatment.. the word "cone-sear" which we thought was in French was her actually saying it in English, and we were just so unaware.. this precious little boy who had the most memorable smile.. and happiest spirit.. has already endured so much.. My heart nearly broke... The reason he only kissed the girls with black hair was because he was going blind, and can't see light colors, so our hair was how he could find our faces... 

The situation made me become so reflective of my life, and so thankful for what I have.. and so amazed by this little boy with so much heart and energy through his hard situation.. He was going the next day to spend it at Euro Disney before he had to go through a few days of treatment.. and I got to see him just one more time before we left...

I went to Europe with the joke of finding a boy and falling in love.. who knew it would be a little 3 year old boy with cancer named Mohammed...


Thursday, October 20, 2011


I have been a little MIA the past few days.. 
I am kind of excited because I actually missed blogging a little...
& because I am the nerd that I am I started jotting down different things I can blog about..

I am actually on a short break from class.. The past few days have been a blurrrrr... Literally just ran around like a dog on crack.. I don't know what that actually looks like.. but I feel like it suffices for the situation...

Random, Random Thought of the Day...

Have been reading about, watching, and seeing posts about the little Chinese girl who was ran over and no one helped her, the dog who pulled the dog who was hit by a car off the highway, the brutal beatings from Occupy Wallstreet and the Exposition... 
But it hit me.... Why do humans care so little about other humans...
It literally leaves my jaw dropped and unbelievably baffled how cruel some humans can be to others...
Verbally, Physically, Financially, and Emotionally..
People are more prone to get emotional over a inhumane treatment of animals commercial than a homeless man or woman on the street...
I can't lie and say that I haven't ignored a homeless person on the street.. (They are more frequent than Starbucks out here in LA..) Small girl, slightly crazy men... I try not to put myself in too many unsafe, unnecessary situations..
But I can also say I have given out some money over the years as well.. Honestly.. if someone has the right energy.. I am down to lend a few bucks to someone, who needs it more than I do.. I am extremely blessed to have everything I do.. and it won't kill me to give a person a few bucks instead of getting a latte one day out of the week.. But when some yell at me and act entitled to me giving them money, that's when I say no thanks..

So... Enough of that tangent.. but what makes us so selfish? So uncaring? Or.. Inconsiderate?

& How do we do something to change it?

Until later...


Do something good to someone else.. it comes back around.. and gives on to others..

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Fashion.

I figured.. because of the fact that my studies & career are in Fashion.. I should definitely try and blog about it.. Only fitting right?! It is basically my life..

Fall is here.. well sort of.. atleast in California.. it was 100 degrees Fahrenheit.. in OCTOBER... I was stuck in an air conditioned classroom for 9 hours.. but I can't complain.. My air conditioning in my apartment broke earlier this month and didn't get fixed for about 3 weeks.. and it was modern day torture.. I am a heat baby.. But back to Fall.. There are some pieces and trends I have been seeing a lot of recently that I am definitely digging.. I am going to try and post some out there pieces that the fashion forward are more down to attempt.. and then some pieces that the average fashion follower might try.. I am going to try and post the websites and links to everything I post.. for credit to whom it is due, as well as for followers to purchase them if they want.. If you end up incorporating anything from this blog into your wardrobe.. I'd love to see pictures! :)

Long See-Through Mesh Skirts

Don't forget the skirt or shorts under... Haha.. Trust me.. on the streets of LA.. You see just about everything..

I am pretty sure I am going to rock one later this week.. A friend of mine gave me one she made as a gift.. If I do.. I'll try to snag a pic and post it later.. Keep an eye out.


Jeffrey Campbell's... Not just the "Lita".
Had a friend who was like, I love the Lita.. but it's just that now everyone has them..
So I did a little research of my own to see the other styles.. Was not disappointed..


Can't lie.. I think these are dope and love when these are rocked.. I on the other hand... am a slight klutz... Sadly..

In case there are any non believers out there... Here is a photo from a stiletto cobblestone accident in Paris.. Hahaha - I might get bold enough to purchase a pair.. I may suffer a few injuries though.. Not that, that would really stop me.. I rocked the same stilettos I hurt my foot in the same week I fell in them.. Haha.. Basically the day my foot healed.. I decided, what the heck.. Go ahead and possibly injure yourself again.. -Shrug- Can't keep a good girl down.. I guess.

Floppy Hats
Been seeing these - EVERYWHERE.. Big floppy.. Felt or velvet hats.. I only wish I looked good in hats.. (I know my strengths and weaknesses.. unfortunately hats are not one of my strengths.)
Free people had a great example to show...


Oversized Sweaters
I'm addicted.. I bought a new favorite in Paris at the Flea Market.. Snagged it for like 6Euros.. I was stoked..
Here is one that I like from Bershka.. Which is a brand not sold here in United States that I was introduced to in Europe..


Again.. these were only a few.. I've realized.. I am starting to use blogging as a form of my own procrastination.. - Ugh. But I justify it in my head.. because I am being semi-productive right?! Haha

Happy to Report.. Closet Status: Reorganized... & slightly minimized..
It might not look like much, but clothes are hanged, things are folded, and stacked in my OCD liking..and I have two large piles I am down to give away.. Happy camper.

Until next time...



I have never considered myself a "foodie", usually because I eat either Vegan or Vegetarian so it's usually a bit harder to find places I can order an actual entree instead of just a salad or side of vegetables.. but I have somehow become the "go-to girl" when it comes to choosing a place to eat..

The other day I had a girl ask me where do I like to eat in Los Angeles.. and gave her just a few of some of the places I've explored and tried in the city..

Figured I might as well blog a little about it.. why not give a little shout out to some of the places I frequent. All are quite cheap to slightly moderate prices... so if you go try some you shouldn't be breaking bank..

Panini Cafe

- The nicest staff.. who I have made friends with..
- Great prices.. & for FIDM & USC Students you get a 20% discount.. Which as a college student is a reason in itself to go try it out.
Menu Suggestion: Lentil Soup, with a side Pita & Hummus.

Simply Salad

I have been going to this place since it opened... no joke.. the week it opened.. I was there, and quickly became what I like to call "healthily-addicted". They recently just passed their 1 year anniversary and continue to get busier and busier.. Go and try it before they blow up and become a huge chain! :)
The guys who work there are a fun group of guys, who I frequently chat it up with while ordering my delicious salad, soup, or order of freshly made hummus.

Menu Suggestion: Downtown Cobb, or the Hipster.. My personal favorite dressing though is the Chipotle Dressing..
http://www.facebook.com/#!/SimplySalad (You should like them..)

Bottega Louie
I love this place for the "French-Style" coffee and menu..
It's a very "popular" place, but I just happened to stumble upon it.. not go there for the hype..
The food is delicious, and though I don't personally eat too many of them.. the desserts are phenomenal.. or so I constantly hear.. 

The interior is beautiful.. but the noise level can get quite loud, especially when they are slammed with business.. Which is quite often.. So if you are looking for quiet and intimate.. this might not be the place.. but it is a great time..
Menu Suggestion: Breakfast order of Potatoes

El Cholo

I can't even lie.. I laughed a little when I first heard the name.. but it's known around Los Angeles for it's delicious Mexican food..
It has some great fresh chips and salsa, guacamole, and margaritas.
Has a great selection from tacos, burritos, to enchiladas..
Menu suggestion: Chips & Guacamole

Yard House
Now I think this is the most "chain" eatery I have mentioned... but I had never even heard about it until I moved to Los Angeles.. The one I frequent is in L.A. Live.. though I don't enjoy the middle-aged men hitting on me.. I do enjoy the long list of vegetarian options.. Even though it is a "sports-bar" it has one of the biggest vegetarian entree and meal selections I have encountered from a "non-vegetarian" place.. Though it's not vegan, I will not complain.. The food looks sometimes so real.. I get a little nervous for the first bite..thinking it might be actual meat.. but so far no mistakes! :) They also have a "cute drink" - I want to say it's their raspberry cider.. It's pink. Try it. For all you guys.. that are too manly and macho for that.. it's a sports bar, they have a good selection of imported beers to give a try..
Menu Suggestion: Chickenless Chicken Fingers

Well I have more clothes to dig through, homework to own, and cleaning to attempt..
I'm sure I'll do another post soon with some other places to try.. I have plenty more..

Europe.. You stole a piece of my heart..

I loved just about everything about you...
I will be back and seeing you as soon as physically possible.

I find when I talk to most, it's always.. I would love to go there.. but I will never have the time.. never have the money.. there is always some excuse of why not.. To be honest it is usually extremely frustrating to me.. because in my head if you really want to do something.. make it happen.. Save for a couple years.. and you'll have more than enough.. go over a Christmas Holiday.. Do what you have to do to make it happen.. To anyone out there with the slight inkling to travel.. DO IT.. It was one of the best experiences to date.. and so many memories I now take with me forever..

Next Destination: Hong Kong, China.
Travel Tip: Wherever you go.. Learn Hello, Goodbye, Please, and Thank You.. You will be worlds ahead of most.. Traveling through Europe was interesting and at times difficult.. because I don't speak fluent French, Germany, or Italian.. but I did my best to pick up as much as I could and if I needed something, to try and ask in the native language.. if not I found Spanish was more accepted than English.. and I know some people get upset and want to be like.. so I just have to learn every language?! No.. but be respectful.. be aware.. and make some conscious effort... It was definitely appreciated by those I encountered.. and when did it become such a bad thing to try and learn new things?! Even though English is the lingua franca.. We often expect when people are in America to speak English.. do other countries not have the same right?! It also just made me more aware to notice people who travel to California from other countries.. I live in Los Angeles so it's a pinnacle spot for tourists.. and I now want to try and go out of my way to help those.. because I now know what it is like to be in their shoes..

Au revoir...

Go explore the world.. It's worth it. 

P.s. For those wondering.. The closet situation.. is midway through.. Bed is covered in clothes, and slowly being sorted through, and put away... 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

What do you wake up for?

A handful of weeks ago I had a conversation with a newer but becoming a very good friend of mine.. and we were discussing over coffee.. What we wake up for.. 

Both of us are young, business minded women who are trying to take over the Fashion Industry by storm.. and we both have different backgrounds, different stories, different dramas that enter our lives.. and different reasons for why we wake up..

Though we have different reasons we were in agreement on the fact that one needs a reason to wake up.. The motivation behind waking up, going to work, school, pursuing a career... What is it that you wake up for? Is it a family member, a friend, a dream you can't stop fighting for, a trial in your life you've overcome, that person in your life who told you - you can't... a combination of a few of those?!

Whatever your motivation is.. Don't let it go.. Go for your dreams, and go hard.. Nothing in this life that is worth something is easy, but it's more than worth it.. 

I am a little bit reminiscent while writing this blog.. I have just passed my 2 year mark of moving out here on my own to this vast city called Los Angeles.. already working on my 2nd degree.. and with a multitude of memories I wouldn't give up for the world.. There has been good, bad, ugly.. and the absolutely magnificent.. The best advice and encouragement I can give is.. Go for it... No matter who says you can't, what obstacles arise.. Go for your dreams.. enjoy the journey to the top, stay humble as you go.. and live the life you dream of..

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where to start?!

I was trying to think of something really witty for my - first post - here..
You can tell that worked out well... Haha

I find the more you try - the less it works.. You can't force the words...

To be perfectly honest, I haven't come up with some strategic plan of what this blog will be or the direction that it will go.. so hang with me if you can as I stumble around...

I also would love for this to be interactive.. so feel free to comment, as questions, give feedback, ask me to talk about certain topics.. Whatever makes your heart happy.

Random thought of the day:
Why do we hold on to so many things we don't need?
What are we so afraid of by letting things go?

I have been looking at my closet & around at my room - & I have some serious simplifying to do..

In my defense.. I am a student studying Fashion/Business so my closet is like a normal person's closet on crack.. & I have enough muslin, fabric, & textbooks to last me a life time.. and enough clothes to dress in a different outfit.. for probably a solid 6 months.

But back to the closet.. I have so many clothes that I honestly don't wear... yet, I keep them.. Piles & piles, hanger after hanger.. Things accumulated over the years.. Ones from retail therapy sessions, outings with friends, vintage & thrift store finds.. a plethora of articles.. with little use... I hold onto things because I think in my head.. "Oh, maybe I will wear it for something, maybe I'll fit back into it (if you're a woman, you know exactly what I am talking about), what if I end up needing it.. but in reality if I get rid of things and really need something I can always go and purchase another when the time comes. I am hoping to take on this task this weekend of cleaning out & minimizing my closet. - I'll let you know how it goes.. Hopefully I come out alive. I think when you de-clutter the things that surround you, you can further in finding your center, & direction in many areas of your life. 

If you're anything like me & want to try minimize things in your closet or your life.. I say if you haven't worn it in the past 6 months or more.. It is something you can part with. Also I know there's always the exceptions.. Seasonal pieces, super sentimental pieces.. Don't put too much pressure on it.. but like that tshirt and skirt you haven't worn, get rid of.. It won't kill you. Promise.
Another way to reward yourself and get some new pieces for your closet (Limit the number!!) I have been doing "clothing swaps" with my girlfriends.. You clean your closet, pick all the stuff you can part and get rid of.. Your friend does the same.. you meet up & pick a few pieces from your friend's giveaways and vice versa.. It's shopping & you don't spend a dime.. Which is great. Getting a few "new" pieces can be a reward for getting rid of excess..
Another way I try to keep things to a minimum is now when I shop.. I think of pieces I am actually lacking in my wardrobe.. Classic pieces that can be mixed and matched and will be worn often and utilized.. & not collect dust in my closet. 

Hopefully this was somewhat enjoyable. Thanks for reading. More to come soon.