Saturday, November 26, 2011

That's what your 20's are for, right?!

1. To drink, legally, and see if it's still as fun.
2. To have your heart broken, and break a few hearts.
3. To heal from the broken hearts, and find what you really want.
4. To make the kind of big mistakes you really learn from.
5. To go through your last round of sharing a room or a place until you get married.
6. To bounce through a few jobs, and maybe even change a career.
7. To blow a large chunk of money on a random trip somewhere, that you'll never forget.
8. To eat whatever you want, and have a great way to justify it, even if that reason is because it tastes great.
9. To go to, through, college, or multiple.
10. To love going home partly because you get fed home cooked meals.
11. To see old friends from highschool, and catch up on what's gone on since then.
12. To still watch animated/cartoon movies and it passes as acceptable.
13. To try somethings that you swore you never would.
14. To dress slightly scandalous, questionable, or just a little too funky.
15. To decorate your apartment like an Urban Outfitters Magazine.
16. To drive on E for days and pray your car doesn't randomly stop.
17. To sign for a house or an apartment on your own.
18. To get a job that's exciting and you can buy a round of drinks for your friends in celebration.
19. To learn to say you're sorry when you've really messed up.
20. To not take things so seriously, and enjoy what life has to offer..

That's what your 20's are for, right?!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life is a cycle of continual change....

I think I learn this lesson more and more as time goes by...
I feel a lot of people might not "like change" but I have tried to learn to embrace it..
It is inevitable, so why not take it for what it is, and make the best of each situation..

Managing stress I feel is key to any person's sanity.. I used to be one of those people who was constantly stressed, always flustered over homework I had to get done.. I've in the past 6 months or so tried to change that.. Read a book that I highly recommend to just about anyone.. "Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff..." Helped me reset my mentality.. and now I might freak out for a second, or have to vent.. but I have learned to try and just remember.. it all gets done, it works itself out, it may suck a little... but stressing does nothing to resolve the situation.. Currently, I have ALOT on my plate.. but I am trying to be like.. yeah, it's not ideal.. but it's going to work out somehow, it has to.. There's no other options.. 

To all those on their grind, sucking down caffeine, running to class, work, appointments and more.. Take some time to prioritize, and destress.. Keep your sanity.. it's kind of crucial. :)

Random Facts:
Currently can't stop eating: Veggie Footlongs from Subway
Music: Adele, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry
Movies: Harry Potter - New convert.. (Dare I say, I might like it better than Twilight?!)

What's on my mind, as Facebook would ask.. TECHNICAL PACKS. Homework I should be doing right now...
Current Read: Magical Thinking.. So far so good.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Videos to watch... & Enjoy

Here are a couple links, and hopefully I will add a few more in the next couple days.. so check back!

Hope you get a good laugh somewhere in here...

International Translator - 

Hello, Siri. 


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


These photographs may not be my original works. Many are pulled from sites I visit from time to time.. or things I happened to stumble upon..

They might be funny, eclectic, stupid, or funny.. just some random things, from the corners of my mind.


Sorry I have been lagging on blogging.. Going to try to put some more posts soon.. Been on the grind lately.. life's been busy.. Hopefully I can share some of the stories and experiences with you soon..


Friday, November 4, 2011

Walking the streets of Los Angeles..

I've decided to add some of the lovely and by lovely I mean ridiculous things I encounter on the daily in Los Angeles.

I have dating, pick up lines, creeper stories to go on for days...

But today was just one of those days.. That everyone was out and ready to creep.. I really don't know what it is.. I really think I have a sign on me somewhere that guys can see that says.. please be obnoxious.. because things often times get out of hand.. 

I wasn't even trying to be cute today.. I promise.. I was going to work... nothing special.. I had a few errands to run this morning and got:

Mmmm'd at.
Honked at.
A creep yelling Heyyy out the window.
The typical and uncomfortable eye undressing..
and a funny guy trying at a stop on the corner.

So I walk up to this corner and there was a guy in a very nice car... who was very attractive... and then he proceeded with a generic, "Hey Cutie.." I have this horrible reflex.. of laughing at guys like that and let out a nice laugh and a smirk of - Really?! That's the best you got? I also happened to run into one of the security guards from my college who I acknowledged and he so kindly waited right behind me until the light turned and the guy left.. Thank you FIDM Security...

But this occurrence reminded me of another situation.. A guy on another stopped corner in a nice.. Maserati.. very attractive guy and his friend and he proceeded to throw out the line.. "Where's the party at?!" - Again.. let out a laugh.. and was like.. that is the line you think is going to get a response from me?! It was like noon and I just finished a yoga class and looked like a hot mess.. I wanted to turn to his friend and be like.. really, you let your buddy go down like that?! 

As promised.. This blog is for you guys.. Some tips..

1. Never honk at a girl.. It's stupid, and derogatory.. and makes you look like a douchetool.
2. If you are going to try to hit on a girl while you are in your car.. Think of something original.. Or we will just think you are an idiot.
3. I know you might think you are being sly in checking us out.. but I promise.. we notice.. control yourselves.. just a little more. 
4. We appreciate your compliments.
5. But when you say you like our eyes when we are wearing sunglasses.. again.. just makes you look silly.
6. Whistling is a no-no..

Hope this was somewhat enlightening..

Happy Friday.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I am surprised I haven't blogged about the never ending topic yet... dating and relationships...

I should be doing homework right now.. but I am taking a few minutes to do this blog.. I am watching a new show on MTV called Friendzone..
Where friends act like they need their friend's advice planning a blind date, and then end up asking their friend on that date...

One poor guy just got hardcore... FRIENDZONED.. I don't know about you.. but when I am watching something on TV and the scene is awkward I get realllyyyyy uncomfortable.. Like I bashfully look away or have to change the channel.. I know.. LAME.. But I can't deny it. Haha.

But this show made me think of one basic premise.. Sorry guys, this is written more for girls.. I promise to have some info for you guys soon too..

Dear Girls,

If a guy likes you.. HE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!! If you are a more visual learner.. Purchase the movie "He's just not that into you.." , If you consider yourself more of an intellectual.. Feel free to get the book.. But it's really sometimes that simple.. all the crazy hormonal theories and formulas most girl's come up with are crazy. Legitimately slightly off the rocker crazy.. Try out the concept of letting him make it happen.. If he's really interested.. He will.. Now I know it might suck, if he doesn't like you and nothing happens.. and sometimes it is a little blow to the ego.. but really.. Put your big girl pants on.. and brace the real fact that.. dare I say it?! Not everyone is going to like you, or want to date you and you will be FRIENDZONED sometime in your life.. Now so I don't sound like an ultra pessimist.. the good news to that is a lot of guys WILL like you, and put in the effort to date you... Date those guys.. not the douchebags that make you cry, and feel like crap about yourself.. When a guy likes a girl he will pull out all the stops.. cute, thoughtful stuff.. Not all the time.. but it will happen usually in the beginning.. Enjoy it while it lasts.. Haha.. Also know the difference between trying to get in your pants, and wanting to date you.. Clear sign of douchebaggeryyy and pantsrobberyyy is when a guy just does things that cost a lot of money.. Don't bite onto that.. it's making you a dinner hooker.. literally.. Nice dinner, maybe a movie, and dessert if you're lucky, and then they expect to get some.. Making girls.. Dinner hookers.. Hold yourselves to a higher standard... Read the body language and take note to the conversation.. and you should easily be able to tell the good guys.. from the panty nabbers..

Moral of the story.. Girls.. stop being so ridiculous - that's the reason guy's think girls are crazy and don't end up liking you.. if a guy likes you, he'll make some effort... :) 

Until next time...

<333 N.

Embracing the ways of the Buddhists...

The past few days I have encountered a few situations where I was just baffled, slightly thrown off, and to be honest a little upset... by other's actions.. Ones dealing quite directly with me... and I am the type of person who is naturally easy going, disliker of drama, and a go with the flow, person.. and I will always be nice.. until you really do something stupid... Then it seems to go downhill - Though I have been getting better..

But I found myself in a few situations, where I was just a little peeved.. And those moments we all have where you kind of just want to roll your eyes and be like "Really?!" or the other side of things where you kinda just wanna slap someone and be like "Stop acting so stupid.." & this is more of the reason to embrace the ways of the Buddhists.. 

Now please don't take my word as 100% accurate truth.. I am by no means a Buddhist expert.. but from my friends that I have met and asked questions about their religion.. this is some of what I have pulled.. It's all about balance between your actions and the actions that come back to you.. to not get mad or upset by things because there is a cause/effect sort of cosmic balance that happens.. and search for a deeper understanding, selflessness, and "enlightenment"... I feel that I embraced more of this while being quite active in yoga.. it's not just a Buddhist practice... but it deals with finding the inner peace, and love and sharing those with the world around you..

Sign me up... PLEASE! I think one can always use a little more patience, compassion, or understanding of the human psychology and behavior...

I heard this saying in the past week that I think applies.. "Remember that life made her this way..." And feel free to make it him, if you're a guy.. but it's going off the premise of life's trials, tribulations, experiences are what mold a person into who they are, how they treat and interact with others.. etc.. It's so easy to get caught up in how we feel, and why we do what WE do.. but then fail to ever try to see the other side of the story.. or in the cliche line, "walk in someone else's shoes.." 

I've learned when I can take a step back, breathe, and then logically analyze a situation.. even if that situation happens to be a person of dislike.. you see the cause/effect.. Most of the time.. It helps one see the explanation.. but that explanation is not always, or is rarely an excuse.. The more you learn about people and the more one can observe.. the more one can find inner peace of not letting others effect their own self and decisions...

Advice of the day: Try it next time.. you are irritated with how someone treated you, said something, handled a situation.. try to see their side.. and maybe why..

<333 N

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Either you run the day, or the day runs you...

Some of you may, or may not know... I try to be up early..
It has been a process of training my body for months now, of going to bed at a certain time and waking up earlier and earlier little by little..
To be honest sometimes I hate the actual process of waking up, but I absolutely love the benefits of doing it..

Kind of like working out.. You may hate pushing yourself to run that extra 5 minutes, or those last 10 crunches.. whatever it might be.. but when you start to see the muscle definition and you see yourself doing more reps than ever and running easier.. there's a sense of accomplishment...

Same thing applies to waking up in the morning for me.. I have made it a morning routine that I have come to love.. and kind of motivates me to get up.. I wake up and either go work out then grab my cup of coffee and watch the morning news.. I know, I know.. I sound like a 40 year old women.. But whatever.. I like it.. So many people are like oh my gosh.. why do you do it, that's insane.. blah blah blah.. and I have just gotten to this point of saying screw off.. I am doing positive and beneficial things for my life.. sorry you're not. Don't criticize me just because you're secretly a little jealous... But I have come to love waking myself up at (what I so kindly call the a** crack of dawn) Haha.. I am currently trying to wake up slightly earlier than I have been.. just to give myself more time to work on stuff, read, relax in the morning... and because I have been working out in the morning opposed to at night.. I always have been a night work out person, but I have in the past few weeks have flip flopped and I have been digging it. It gets you up and motivated for the day.. Try it out.. Let me know how it goes. I am proof that you can change and train your body to do what you want it to.. It's all if you really want it...

I was in class and one of my colleagues was like I have been trying for months to get on a similar schedule, basically waking up very early, and getting productive.. But I can't seem to do it.. and he simply replied.. "How much do you really want it?!"
(If you're trying to do this, I suggest having something as a goal.. as humans we work better when there is a reason, incentive or end result...)

That really struck me hard.. It wasn't oh.. you do this, you do this, coddling her with a nice answer.. he gave the honest truth.. It was sort of a wake up for me too.. I keep saying oh I wish I was reading more, or planning this, or doing this.. but I don't have time.. And the reality that a mentor of mine told me.. is that's just a bullsh*t excuse.. We all have the same hours in a day... from the bum on the street, to the President of the United States... Again... another wake up call, smelling the coffee, and a nice loving smack in the face with reality.. Some of you might be thinking.. well that's a little mean.. but I love it.. I love having people in my life that care enough to push me.. that don't just tell me what I would like to hear.. but tell me what is going to make me better.. So many people get really butthurt when people critique or criticize them in any way.. and yeah given it's not always fun to hear, but you can either get stuck in your bad ways, or accept the truth and change it.

My advice of the day.. Surround yourself with people who make you better.. 

If you look back at history, and any really successful people they surrounded themselves with people they aspired to be like, and that pushed them to surpass their limits.. 

Randomness of Today:
Current Reading: Freakonomics
Recently watched Movie: The Ugly Truth
New Finding: HULU Documentaries.. (I am falling in love)

Thanks for stopping by. :)
<333 N