Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sorry I've been distant...

Hello All..

Sorry about the long absence.. Got caught up in what we call life...

I know it's bad, but off the top of my head I can't remember exactly when I blogged last.. I know I blogged a bit when I got back from Europe.. I think traveling and new things has me in a habit of writing after.. It gives me things to write about... So here goes.. Again..

I just recently got back from Hong Kong/China.. and I can't hide that I absolutely loved every second of it.. I didn't even mind the jet lag, and getting sick afterwards..

Okay.. that's a lie.. I did mind it.. but it was all worth it..

I will be a little scatterbrained probably in this blog... running from topic to topic like a sugar deprived child in a candy shop.. That's kind of how I felt while traveling too.. I just wanted to try anything and everything..

For all of you that know me, more than just a rando off the street.. you probably know that I am a vegetarian.. and at times a vegan.. but I have this rule.. I will try meat if it is something I have never had before... usually that comes when I travel.. but so this trip.. I tried Peking Duck (a traditional dish there) and also JELLYFISH!!! Eek right?! I can say honestly it was a first and probably the last time... but I don't regret trying..

I think that is how life should be... try things, and even if they don't turn out how you wanted or expected.. not to regret them.. It gives you new perspective, and life experience.. and that is often times the most invaluable thing. Also.. my biggest props and thank you to the people of Hong Kong.. you were some of the most unique and nicest people I have ever encountered.. and I hope to see you again in the future... You left an imprint on me, and I left a piece of my heart there..

Okay.. so other things in the life of Natasha (I apologize, talking about myself in 3rd person.. Haha) ..

I am less than a month away from completing another degree.. Thank you FIDM. It has been one of the craziest and best experiences ever. And I would do it all over again.. 9 months with 13 girls.. multiple countries and plane rides that exceeded 10 hours at a time... and PMS.. You get the pictures.. but to be honest these girls are now family.. I wouldn't give them up for anything.. and I know we are going to take over the industry together.. We have fought, disagreed, grown, and experienced some of the most unique things together.. 

Travel, TRAVel, TRAVEL!!! If I can say anything.. it is to travel.. as much as you possibly can.. It has been one of my favorite things ever.. now some people might not be as much of a travel junkie as me.. but do it.. I love to travel so much, I would honestly stay in hostels, grab a backpack and a purse full of money, and just go.. But.. others might be a little more high maintenance... no worries.. there are some wonderful resorts all around.. VISIT THEM!! Traveling opens up so much.. After the trips I have taken in the past year domestically and internationally.. I believe in so many more possibilities.. I have seen so many more doors open, found windows to crawl through, and my business card is now just about everywhere you can imagine.

Put yourself and your name out there.. In correspondence to my last paragraph.. when you go places... PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE! It's totally worth it.. I emailed so many people post travel, and got responses from EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! That was one of my favorite things.. I even got people who emailed me first after me giving them my info.. I even got a resume sent to me!! Who does that?! Apparently I do..

To make sure this doesn't end up like a 500 page novel.. I am trying to keep each thing to a small paragraph.. Trying being the key word. I apologize in advance.
With that graduation in mind.. it's like okay.. WHAT NEXT?! That's what everyone keeps asking me.. and honestly.. I don't exactly know.. I am an OCD planner.. and I love knowing.. but I can't really know yet.. I have applied and been accepted to complete my Bachelor's program.. which I'd like to do while simultaneously working full time.. some of the things I have applied to have been out of California.. and some things will be out of the country.. I don't know what is going on yet.. because there are just so many variables in everything right now.. I can't say that I am not excited about these, but I can say that I am a little nervous as well.. It's like BAM!!! Here is another smack of reality and life, and onto the next chapter.. wherever and whatever that might be...
Relationships/Dating.. the juicy stuff everyone wants to know about.. Sorry but my love life is about as juicy as a dried out raisin.. I don't have a boyfriend.. don't know when he will come.. but honestly I am at a place of being okay with that.. My friend was writing a bio about me.. for me to use in a few things.. and she said I married my career and love of fashion.. and honestly.. that might just be it for now.. Now.. there are the little flings here and there of people of interest.. but nothing substantial.. I will keep you all posted.. If you have a mature guy, not afraid of a super independent, working, traveling, woman.. send him my way.. Haha.. This is what my 20's is for.. Living up the single, carefree life.. They say love will hit you when you least expect it.. and I'd be a liar if i didn't say.. well then.. I am a little scared.. Haha.
This is a little random.. but recently have gotten sick from travel, and some other things I wont delve into.. but I just want to throw this out there.. your health is CRUCIAL!!! I have a good friend who has been through just about everything you can and she is only 20.. and it really made me think about myself.. You can't do all the things you dream of if you're dead... Sorry if that's a bit morbid.. but it's the truth you have to face.. Take care of your body, your soul, and your mind.. They're all you have. 

Eavesdropping. :O
I know.. not something you'd think I would do right?! Haha.. It wasn't in a bad way.. I don't think.. I was grabbing Starbucks/Lunch with a girlfriend the other day and I heard this woman talking to her friend.. and I was mildly horrified.. She was talking about how unhappy she was in her marriage.. and how she talked to her husband and he had said atleast she doesn't ever have to wake up and work a day in her life.. and that because of that she was just kind of dealing with it!!! I WAS IN SHOCK!! Really.. I wish you could have seen my face.. but I mean I know this stuff happens.. but it was crazy to hear it at the coffee shop, and not in a movie.. It reinstated more of my determination to NEVER be that woman.. to have to be in a place that I depend on a man merely for his money.. My mom has told me on multiple occasions.. to never settle.. and to continue to make it on my own.. and well if my momma says it.. Hell, I gotta do it. To everyone who reads this (which may only be 5) but regardless.. Please please.. respect yourself more than that!! Demand better.. I believe love is only true love.. when one doesn't "need" someone for something.. but because they want to love the other person..

Ecologically and Socially Responsible.. Sustainability..
I have been learning more and more about these topics.. and have fallen more and more in love with them.. I encourage you to do the same at your own pace.. These things will definitely be at the foundation of anything I start, and I would love these to be important to companies I become involved with. I am so blessed, and lucky, and have gotten to do so much... I feel it is a responsibility of mine to pass it along.. and try to provide means of living, happiness, and opportunity for those who don't have them.. Take some time to think of others in your days, weeks, months, and this year... it does wonders..

I have started to volunteer again.. and it gives me more than I feel I can ever give to it.. no matter how much I try.. I also have been back to church in the past few months.. through the previously mentioned volunteering.. I met people that I just clicked with.. People that make me feel like I am home, and they are family.. In Los Angeles, the supposed City of Angels.. It is hard to meet quality.. quantity is overflowing.. but substantial, good, solid people.. very few.. I honestly will admit that I kept going, just because I liked some of the people I met.. not because I really wanted to be back in church.. but as I continue to go.. I think my heart and my motives inch in a better direction.. I don't want to force God, or faith, or whatever it is back into my life... it's hypocritical and pointless.. but I've finally found a place.. that I can see long term.. It's been years since.. I have never been a fan of "religion" because of all the reality of people I have seen in it.. but it is bringing a sense of balance and encouragement to my life.. and I will not turn those down.. this just happens to be the form they are entering my life in at this moment... I encourage you all to find that for you.. Whether it's going outside, taking a yoga class (which I want to get back into by the way.. absolutely phenomenal), reading a book, or gasp, God forbid.. try out church?! (Pun intended) But really.. whatever brings you to that Zen.. go for it.. I even encourage exploring different faiths.. I have and it's great.. I think it's better to be fully informed and make your decisions for your life.. than to just blindly or unhappily follow..

I feel this has been quite lengthy.. so I am going to end it here.. but I have been journaling more again.. and writing down topics for blogs.. Cross your fingers I get back here consistently.. Or bug me to do so!! I love it when friends push me in the right direction.. This blog gives a special thanks to Dezmond Douglas.. the inspiration behind me getting back into blogging..

Stay curious, stay hungry, & stay humble..

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